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Architecture Deconstruct of Digitalisation of a Smart Factory that used IoT Technologies


Recently, I came across an article titled “IoT and the Growth of Digitalisation”. It talks about leveraging IoT technologies for major Digital Transformation Programs.

When I started to apply Enterprise Anatomy principles to what was mentioned in this article, I was able to relate to more than the technology implementation of Sensors, adaptors and control systems. This also helped me to understand what may be missing in the Project.

Architecture understanding is complete when we apply the Zachman Framework and understand the Anatomy of Enterprise Strategies, the Business Process Anatomy, Anatomy of the Systems, Anatomy of the Technical component specifications, Anatomy of the Implementation and the Operational Instance.

Anatomy of the Enterprise Strategy What are the Business Strategies for leveraging IoT Technologies here? Elements of the Strategy consist of Goals, Business Services, Data, Location, Timing and Role.

Let us understand the Organisational Goals:

· Goals For Internal Operations: Smart Factories, High Precision Products, Customer Partnership

· Goals for Customers: Enhance Customer’s knowledge of Products

· The company Goals are realised by the following Business Services: Automotive and Industrial Bearings, Machine Condition Monitoring Service

· Roles: Customers

· Company Locations: Manufacturing Plant

Business Process Anatomy How are the Business Management and Departmental Functions structured to realise the above Strategies here? Elements of the Business Management will consist of Departmental Goals, Business / Departmental Functions, Business Data, Business Locations, Business event triggers, cycles, and Departmental / External Roles.

· Business Processes: Connecting Machines, Extract Data for Visualisation, Data Analysis, Create Insights for enhanced Decision Making

· Business events/triggers: Problems/Issues Alerts for Products

Anatomy of the Systems How are the Systems structured to support the above Business Processes / Departments? Elements of the Systems are System Goals, System Functions, Logical System Data, System Locations, System Times and System Use cases / Roles.

· The above Business Processes are enabled by the Systems Functions: Edge Computing

· System Role (U/I): Digital Factory Dashboard

Anatomy of the Technology Components and their Specifications? How are the Technical Components specified to support the above Systems? Elements of the Technology Specifications are Technology Rules, Technology component Functions, Physical System Data, Network Component Processing Cycles and User Interfaces.

· The above Systems are enabled by the IoT Technology Components:

o Machine Embedded Systems Components,

o Sensors,

o Actuators,

o Control Units

· Technology component Network:

o 5G IoT Backbone

· Technology Component Rules:

o Low Latency of Data Transmission,

o Flexible Data Fetching,

o High Data throughput,

o Enhanced Connectivity Density,

o Data Transparency

Anatomy of the Implementation How are the Technical Components configured to implement the above Technical Specifications? Elements of the Implementation are Configuration Rules, Tool / Software Functions, Database Tool configurations, Network Software / Hardware Configurations, Event Processing Tool Configuraions and User Interface Tool Set ups.

· The above Technical Components are configured using the IoT Component Funcions:

o enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB),

o Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC),

o massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC)

We can now look for completeness of the Transformation at each stage. Efforts should also be made to Link, Map and establish connectivity between like elements across the Transformation stages i.e Dependency between Business Services, Business Processes, System Functions, Technical Component Specs, Software / Hardware/Network Configurations. This will bring out all inconsistencies and ensure success of the Initiative.

You can read the original Article at the following site:


The Aim of this Blog is to highlight the use of Architecture Deconstruction techniques. It is not the intention of the Blogger to rate or otherwise evaluate the Architecture of the System presented herein. The ideas and views presented in this Blog Post are the result of Architecture Deconstruction by the Blogger and as such may not be found directly or indirectly in the original Article. Architecture Deconstruction lets us understand and highlight architecture elements and architecture perspectives that may be available in various formats like model, text, image etc., The companies involved in the article are neither a customer nor have they engaged ICMG.

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